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» Wrapping Up 2016 and Looking Forward to a Healthy, Pain-Free 2017

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Wrapping Up 2016 and Looking Forward to a Healthy, Pain-Free 2017

It’s been a great year for Miller Physical Therapy. We wrapped up 2016 with a move to our new facility in Delray Beach. Bigger? Check. Better? Check. The location is more convenient for our patients and the extra space has been a great opportunity to upgrade and expand our equipment. Family, friends and clients joined us on December 2 to celebrate our Grand Opening and to kick off Team Miller’s participation in AVDA’s (Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse, Inc.) annual Race for Hope at Anchor Park in Delray, which was held the next morning.

Delray is a great community, and it meant a lot to have so many people join us at our celebration, and also support our efforts to help provide funding for AVDA’s amazing work on behalf of victims of domestic violence – and their efforts to prevent, and ultimately, end it.

We hope you’re looking back on your year with a positive feeling, too. This is a great time of year to reflect on the past 12 months, take note of the good and the bad, and think about how you want to move forward in the new year. Appreciate the successes, and give yourself credit for attaining the goals you reached. If you were frustrated by opportunities that passed you by or an inability to stay on top of things, it may be time to shake things up. Investing in your physical health is a great way to do that!

Here’s our pep talk to encourage you to be more active in 2017. All of us on Team Miller are active to one extent or another – and love outdoor activities. We get the challenge of the work/life balance and understand how difficult it can be to carve out some time to exercise or enjoy participating in a sport. But it CAN be done, and considering how beneficial it is in so many ways (physical, mental, social, emotional) it really should be a non-negotiable for everyone, regardless of fitness level.

Here are a few ways to get started, or to get back into the swing of things if your exercise has fallen off the map:

+ A mental commitment is the critical first step. You need to be invested in yourself. If you need a little persuading, remind yourself of how much easier and less stressful life will be when you’re getting regular exercise!

+ Start small. It’s okay to take baby steps. If a walk around the block is more than you’ve done in months (or years!) then by all means, take a walk around the block and count it as a success.

+ Get in shape to get in shape. Don’t be intimidated by this one; it simply means a conditioning and strengthening routine will go a long way toward keeping you injury free. It’s extremely frustrating to finally get started and then lose momentum due to an injury.

+ If a chronic condition is holding you back, addressing that takes priority. Consider the time and energy you put into rehabilitation to be your exercise routine. When you’re ready to move on to more fitness-based activities, you’ll feel like you have a new lease on life!

You’re on your own when it comes to actually deciding you’re ready to be the healthiest you can be.

Once you make that choice, though, we can help! Our team will help you prepare with a conditioning and strengthening routine, or set you up with a personalized physical therapy program to address any chronic pain that’s holding you back. We offer complimentary consultations – give us a call at 561-278- 6055 and let’s get started.

The Miller PT Team

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